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Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.Psalm 9:10...

August 27, 2020

The Grove - The Gospel of John

We have two more episodes of Don’s latest Grove series on the Gospel of John that have been uploaded over the last few weeks. You’ll find them via our website, on YouTube and Spotify.We hope you enjoy!...

August 26, 2020

Trust in the Lord

‘We will not make it through Christianity with just intellectual assent, because there will be times when we don’t understand and when we don’t understand we will need to make the choice to trust. Neither will we make it through on our feelings or emotions, for when we don’t feel or experience something we will have to trust.’ - a quote from Chris from Sunday's message....

August 24, 2020

'But like you, I journey towards the goal' - from the Desk of Don

I know that for many people the re-emergence of Covid 19 and the subsequent lock down, at least only level 2 for us here in the Waikato, has been disconcerting. It is so ‘human’ to be thrown by things that break into our ‘normal’ and threaten the things we know and feel somewhat comfortable with. Our plans, dreams and hopes can be all be put on hold by things that seem to be completely out of our control. Even things that we imagined were ‘God’s plans’ for us can be ...

August 21, 2020

New series this Sunday

We are looking forward to commencing this Sunday, a short series on the book of Habakkuk, we do hope you can join us !...

August 20, 2020

Church online update

Hey Gateway! Coming back into Level 2 has given us the opportunity to look into how we best bring Church online to everyone. From now on we will just be using YouTube to host the gathering so you can go directly to our page or the Church online button on our website will take you there! We look forward to connecting digitally this Sunday and hope we can gather again in the house soon. Please remember to keep an eye out on our social spaces and website for any updates or changes to our current pl...

August 19, 2020

Church at Home / Sunday 23rd August 2020

Hey whānau, just letting you know we’re planning for church to be at home this Sunday 23rd. That means heading to www.gatewaychurch.org.nz and join us at 10am or 6.30pm.We encourage you to meet with connect groups or family/friends to be the church together, remembering government protocols.Please keep an eye out on our social media platforms, website or email for any updates as we follow government regulations.Please know you can pop into the gateway office and say hi or be in...

August 18, 2020

How are you doing?

Hey Gateway whānau! We want to check in and make sure you’re all doing okay. Life has certainly changed a bit in 48 hours, but today and always we’re thankful that we have a God who never changes and is always steadfast. May we lean into His strength and His peace in these times. Also let’s be encouraged to reach out to people around us and make sure they are doing okay. A simple text or phone call can go a long way 😊...

August 13, 2020

Gateway Update


August 12, 2020

The Lord gives strength

As our country navigates new levels we pray a prayer of peace over our whānau, our country, our world. May we know His peace and enabling.  May we be His peacemakers and lightbearers to one another. Amen....

August 12, 2020

New Spotify Song

Added to our Gateway 2020 songs on Spotify. Soon to be sung in the house 🎵...

August 5, 2020

His mercies are new every morning...

Everyone is welcome to join us to PRAY. Wednesday 6.45am - 7.30am in the Gateway dining room with tea & toast to follow ☕️...

June 23, 2020

Grove series // online

Our 4 week Grove series begins tonight 7.30pm - 9pm in the auditorium. We do need you to register for this free event please. See our FB event page or our Website events page for the link to register.If you’re unable to attend tonight we will be releasing a recording of this from our website ‘Join us Online’ at 7.30pm Wednesday night....

June 16, 2020

Welcome back!


June 13, 2020

Grove Series Registration

Hey Whānau! Our Grove series begins Tuesday 16th 7.30pm at Gateway. While there is no restriction on numbers we do need you to register please for this free event. Please use this link to register. Don is going to take us through a relevant, helpful series in John’s Gospel. For those who’re unable to make it on Tuesday nights, it will become available online....

June 11, 2020

Guess whose back....


June 11, 2020


Welcome Everyone to our first time all back together for Worship 🙌 This Thursday 11th, 8pm - 9pm. We can’t wait! See you there! 😊...

June 11, 2020

Check-in with Don!


June 10, 2020

Reframing the Mind - Sermon Series

We love this quote from Chris yesterday from our ‘Reframing the mind’ series. Thanks Chris!...

June 8, 2020

Back in the House

WE’RE BACK IN THE HOUSE! The exciting news of level one happening tomorrow means we are meeting this Sunday whānau! There will be no evening gathering - but in the morning we will be worshipping together, Don will share with us and then we will be having a wee party after. We can’t wait to see you all! 🎉🎉🎉...

June 8, 2020

YAG check-in with Dan!


June 4, 2020

Dates for the diary

We have some awesome events coming up!Click on the image to check them out....

June 4, 2020

Church at Home video with Anna, Jo and Faye!


May 29, 2020

Time for the rubbish to go out // Desk of Jono

Time for the rubbish to go out… During lockdown my rubbish and recycling have been building up. I used to love the rhythm of getting all the rubbish and recycling together and putting it on the roadside. Then when I came home from work it was magically gone. I would have a clean slate to start again.  I always find it satisfying clearing out the space and not having the clutter - maybe it’s the inner Marie Kondo in me.But as much as I try to reduce how much rubbish I accumulat...

May 29, 2020

Midweek Check-in from CRAVE!


May 28, 2020 Posts 126-150 of 263 | Page prev next