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You are important to God - Desk of Sarah

How do you remember to do things? Are you a ‘list’ person with pen and paper so you can cross them off when completed (very satisfying!) or do you perhaps put reminders on your phone or write on your hand so you really don’t forget?!I think God has written your name on His hand so He doesn’t forget you...as you are so important to Him. What a picture that creates for me...God must have very big hands, as each of us is important to Him. He has the whole world in His hands. STOP PRESS! Re-...

October 9, 2020

New series this Sunday - Now But Not Yet

Beginning a new two week series this Sunday! It sounds intriguing!...

October 9, 2020


Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always  - 1 Chronicles 16:11...

October 8, 2020

And I stand in awe

Chris spoke yesterday of the way Habakkuk looked back on how God was faithful and willing to intervene in order to rescue his people and the hope that this instilled in Habakkuk.This too can be our story, remembering all that God has done. He is our Hope always!...

October 5, 2020

A Fresh Perspective - Desk of Faye

Here we are in springtime! As you know with this season comes daffodils and blossoms, equinoctial winds, newborn lambs and calves, fresh green on the trees. All rather delightful, apart from the equinoctial winds. There is a sense of change in the air. It brings a freshness and as the days open up with longer daylight hours, it feels different. I’m fond of the saying ‘variety is the spice of life’.Change can be disconcerting and bring fear.  Alternatively, cha...

October 2, 2020

Don's Book List

For any folks keen to delve further, here we have Don’s splendid Book list for the ‘What’s that about?’ series. Daniel’s 70 weeks:Kevin Conner – ‘Daniel’s 70 weeks.’Philip Mauro – ‘The Seventy weeks and Great Tribulation.’Sam Storms – ‘Kingdom Come.’ Israel:Gary Burge – ‘Jesus and the Land.’Gary Burge – ‘Whose Land, Whose Promise.’O Palmer Robertson – ‘The Israel of God.’ The Book of Revelation:G. K. Beale – ‘The Book of Revelation.’Darrell J...

September 30, 2020

Taking a moment to appreciate our Gateway Family!

Taking a moment to appreciate our Gateway family! How good it was to be able to be together on Sunday! People connecting is such a key component to our faith - getting to share life together. Our different teams that meet, connect groups, one on one coffee hangs are all part of being family and supporting one another. For those who have school holidays happening - we hope they’ve got off to a good start....

September 29, 2020

Blessed is He..

A great conclusion to the ‘What’s That About?’ series yesterday.This week we’ll be posting a list of Don’s books that he used for research and referred to in this series. Keep a look out ...

September 28, 2020

Where Are You? - Desk of Nick

Recently I was reading in Genesis and was moved by the account of Creator God walking in the Garden of Eden in Chapter 3. The Almighty and Glorious One was taking a routine casual stroll in the Garden with his creation, only Man and Woman were not there to commune with Him.“Where are you”? He asks a question that He already knows the answer to, for their sake, not His. Under the loving care of Father God, the truth was coaxed out of Man: “I was afraid... I was naked... I hid”.Steffany Gr...

September 25, 2020

What a beautiful evening of worship last night!

What a beautiful evening of worship last night! Space for time with God ...A big thank you to the worship and tech teams that make these times possible. You guys are amazing....

September 25, 2020

Thank you Anna

Anna’s face will be familiar to many of you – she has been a wonderful staff member for a number of years in our Comms team and leading our Emerge area. This week happens to be her last week before she heads off to Auckland for a time of study. Anna, thank you for all you’ve brought to Gateway, we will miss you and wish you all the best for this next season....

September 23, 2020

The gathering of the people

‘Come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord’ Isaiah 2.Thanks Don for a great message on Sunday. It’s not about a geographical location, it’s about where the people of God gather together, that’s where we see God....

September 22, 2020

Level one update


September 21, 2020

Giving at Gateway - Operation Christmas Child

It is that time of the year for Operation Christmas Child Boxes!They are now available to be picked up from our Gateway office.This is such a lovely way to bring joy to children at Christmas who would not necessarily receive gifts.The boxes need to be returned to Gateway by 18th October. If you have any questions please contact the Gateway office....

September 21, 2020

The One who never changes - Desk of Annabelle

I like to plan and make lists. I like to tick off said lists.  In September 2019 my husband Nathan and I made a plan: Move from the U.K to Hamilton midway in 2020. We planned plans, we wrote lists, we checked off lists. Flights, shipping companies, visas, sightseeing before we left, goodbyes. Tick tick tick. All planned. All sorted.  But to point out the obvious – 2020 came along.All the things we had sorted suddenly had to be cancelled or re-sorted and in some cases multip...

September 18, 2020

The Book of Revelation

‘I think there is a definite structure to Revelation. It isn’t a meaningless jumble of events. But, I would suggest that it isn’t a linear chronological structure.The technical term for the structure of Revelation is ‘Progressive Parallelism,’ or Progressive Recapitulation.’ The easiest way to understand what this means is to imagine a spiral staircase. It doubles up on itself repeating the same material from a slightly different perspective.’ - quoting Don from part one of The boo...

September 15, 2020

Come to me - From the Desk of Erin

Do you have a scripture that you come back to again and again and it keeps speaking to you ? I do, and it is Matthew 11:28-32 "Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." All we have to do is simply come, and He will give us rest! That's an amazing offer! When we come to Him, He is with us, and will give us rest. So simple: "come!" "Take my yoke on you and learn from me..." I read somewhere recently that His yoke could be considered His teachings. I...

September 11, 2020

Wait Watch Worship

‘Wait, Watch and Worship; For His Kingdom is both now, and yet to come.’Whānau, isn’t it so good that this wisdom for Habbakuk is still very relevant for us today....

September 8, 2020

Welcoming Annabelle!

It has been a real pleasure to welcome Annabelle as our Generations Team Leader. She oversees the staff that lead our various children and young people's areas within Gateway. Annabelle has previously been on staff in our Emerge and Crave areas and has recently returned with her husband Nathan to NZ after living in the UK. So great to have you as part of the team!...

September 8, 2020

Happy Father's Day!

Wishing everyone a happy Father’s Day - celebrating all the Dad’s and Dad like figures in our lives. We know days like today can come with an array of emotions - we pray that today we all experience the tangible and good love of God our Father. ...

September 6, 2020

The Father Heart of God - From the Desk of Mike

I was talking to one of our young dads at church recently about the instant love that can occur for a child even when still in their mother’s womb. That child can immediately change hearts, minds and attitudes. They turn a once staunch ‘bloke’ into someone who speaks in those high-pitched tones that apparently babies understand, and they can turn an avid sports watcher into someone who willingly spends hours gazing at a sleeping child. This important relationship between father and ch...

September 4, 2020


“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” - Hebrews 10:23...

September 3, 2020


Hey Gateway! Tomorrow morning we have PRAY happening in the dining room from 6:45am. Such a great time to gather together and pray - if you can only pop in on your way to work, or can hang around for coffee, tea and toast afterwards, we warmly welcome you to come and join us tomorrow....

September 1, 2020

Truth Tone Trust.

Yesterday we continued our series on ‘A Spiritual Journey of a Godly Man’ and unpacked three simple ideas in Habakkuk of truth, tone and trust. What word stood out most to you in the message?...

August 31, 2020

'Apart from Him, I can do nothing' - From the Desk of Claire

A few Sundays ago Don talked about being grafted into the vine. As he spoke I recalled a time when my father had grafted my favourite plum variety from my childhood home onto our plum tree. I watched as he carefully cut both trees with his pocket knife, joining a branch from my favourite tree to our existing tree and taping them together tightly. Two years later my exisiting tree began producing two varieties of plums! Grafting is an incredible process where tissues of plants are joined to conti...

August 28, 2020 Posts 101-125 of 263 | Page prev next