Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St

Statement of Faith


 We believe in the one true God, eternally existent in three persons, creator of heaven and earth.


 We believe the Bible is the authoritative and trustworthy Word of God in all matters of life, faith and conduct.


 We believe that because of humanity’s rebellion against God [sin], we are separated from Him.


 We believe that Jesus suffered, was crucified, died, was buried and rose again. He then ascended to the Father’s right hand where he now reigns as Saviour of the world. Through his atoning sacrifice, humanity can now be reconciled to God.


 We believe humanity is justified by faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord.


 God created people in His image, male and female. Through His love, God invites us to share in His eternal life, worship Him and steward His creation.


 We believe in the Church, the priesthood of all believers, the unity of all followers of Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit. As the people of God, we are called to reflect God’s character to the world, through the proclamation of the Gospel, formation of disciples, caring for the marginalised and continual worship of God.

 The Gifts

 We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and that the church should move in gifts of the Holy Spirit, as in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10

 Second Coming

 Jesus Christ will physically and visibly return to earth for the second time to establish His Kingdom. This will occur at a date undisclosed by the Scripture.