Pete Greig joining us this Sunday 30th March | 10am & 3pm | 950 Victoria St | No 5:30pm Gathering this week 



 Ground floor

Jesus said, "Let the children come to me." Kingdom seeks to embody the loving embrace so that our children will come to know that their Maker made them, loves them and wants to be their friend forever. We seek to capture the hearts of our children through pre-school based activities that create a special and welcoming environment that is safe and supportive. 

Our hope is that by the time your kids leave Kingdom they know these three simple but powerful truths: that God Made them, God loves them and Jesus wants to be their friend forever all while building long lasting friendships with each other and our team of volunteers.

For more information about Kingdom, please chat to our department leader Lisa Clarke

We have three spaces to serve the age-stage needs:

Babies & Crawlers - for newborns until they can walk and are socially confident. You will be welcomed by one of our amazing volunteers to serve you coffee, cake and support you during the service as you sit and interact with your baby in a relaxing environment from 10am.

Tots - these are our little ones who can walk and are becoming quite active. There’s lots of fun to be had with a short mat time, songs, stories and snack time. We have a great space with plenty of age appropriate toys. You are welcome to stay and support your child or as they grow in confidence, you can leave them with our amazing team of volunteers. Your child will be issued a pager number and if you are needed during the service, this number will go up to the left of the stage in the auditorium. 

Juniors - for those 3 years until school age we run an interactive mat time filled with songs and stories. Followed by snack, prayer and craft time. We have age appropriate toys for free play and sandpit play outside to enjoy when the sun is shining!

Lisa Clarke

Kingdom Team Leader

Join our preschool playgroup!

An opportunity to enjoy a cuppa & connect with other parents while your kids play in a safe environment.