Pete Greig joining us this Sunday 30th March | 10am & 3pm | 950 Victoria St | No 5:30pm Gathering this week 


At Gateway, we desire to be a generous people.

How we handle our resources is a profoundly spiritual matter – Jesus spoke more about a believer and their resources than almost any other subject. Generosity impacts every part of our lives, but one of the ways that Scripture calls us to be generous is with our finances and resources.

The Bible indicates that a tithe (10%) is where we begin this journey of giving. It is not unreasonable to assume (in fact some would be much stronger and suggest it’s biblical) that a significant portion of this tithe should go to supporting the local expression of the body of Christ to whom you belong.

How to give at Gateway:


Giving Number

If you would like have your donation as a tax rebate, you will need to sign up for a giving number before you start giving through the form below. If you don't mind, then you can skip this step and continue to step two.


Ways to give

Internet Banking

This is the best way to do regular giving as it means there are no surcharge fees. You can copy our details below:

Statement Details:

Particulars: YOUR NAME
Reference: TITHE
(To contribute to our building fund, use the reference 'BUILD490')

Automatic Payment Form

If you don't use internet banking, you can print this form and take it to your bank to set up automatic giving to Gateway.

Debit or Credit Card Payments

If you wish to use your Debit or Credit card, you can use this online platform (Stripe) for your gifts, donations. We recommend this method for one off payments only as there is a 2.7% fee per transfer. 

In Person Giving

Alternate in-person ways you can give at Gateway:

  • Information desk on Sundays, through eftpos or giving envelopes

  • In the office during the week
    (17 Clifton Road, Tue-Thurs: 10am-2pm)


A number of people have included Gateway Church in their will, if you would like to leave a gift for Gateway please simply speak with your will provider.

Tax Rebates

Donations to registered New Zealand charitable organisations are tax deductible. To claim this tax rebate you will need to give the IRD a donors tax donation receipt.

As a registered charity Gateway Church will send this receipt annually after the end of each tax year to your email by the end of April. Please note that designated giving towards those that serve offshore are not eligible for end of year tax credits.

Any questions, please contact Kezz on