Pete Greig joining us this Sunday 30th March | 10am & 3pm | 950 Victoria St | No 5:30pm Gathering this week 

Gateway Moves

Building History: 


950 Victoria Street ground floor structure was purpose built for Woolworths supermarket.  (photo from Hamilton Libraries Website


The Hamilton Assembly of God Trust board purchased the property and converted it for church purposes.


Substantial renovations commenced which involved the completion of the first and second floors.


Gateway leadership recognised that our current building was aging with various aspects failing, discussions commenced focussed on remediation to our roof structure, air-conditioning, ground floor auditorium reconfiguration, lift, earthquake risk strengthening, fire safety. A combination of finance, the scale of work required and the need to be out of the building proved to be problematic. 

2020 – 2024

The desire to futureproof a place of worship and connection for current and future generations remained a focus of the Leadership team, several alternative sites were considered but doors were closed through unsuitability, price or properties simply being removed from the market. In late 2023 Gateway Church was approached by the vendors of a property suggesting that it would be a good solution for Gateway, this property had previously been considered but was not on the market, following high level due diligence, prayer and discussion, the Leadership Team and Trustees were unanimous in bringing the opportunity to acquire this building to our church family in April 2024. In order to secure the property, bridging finance and in turn the sale of Gateway property would be required.

At a meeting held of those that call Gateway home, it was agreed to pursue the sale of Gateway property in order to acquire an alternative property situated at 490 Grey Street.

Recent Building Updates

Join us in prayer for the Gateway moves project!

We are excited about the potential move to 490 Grey Street and would deeply value your prayers as we navigate this. To stay updated with specific prayer points and how you can support this journey, please sign up for our email list below.

Our building vision

Gateway builds a home, a presence, and a future

We see a church building as being a vital asset for connecting our faith community to each other and also offering hospitality to our wider community. A place of belonging where identity can be forged - a place to come ‘home’ toA ‘home’ that nurtures and fosters biblical community and hospitality. A home is comfortable and welcoming, where food is eaten and life is lived both in times of celebration and lament.

Our hope is that the building is a symbol that represents the presence of God in our city and is spilled out in the lives of our people. A functional but simply beautiful design as its architecture speaks of something sacred and different to the symbols of our culture.

This project is an investment for future generations. Architecture that is built to last and that can facilitate the dreams of our children and their children as they faithfully follow Christ in our city.

Theological Framework

1 Peter 4:10 encourages us to be good stewards, this move of location ensures that the churches physical assets are well utilised in our calling to fulfill the Great Commission and to serve our community. 950 Victoria Street has served us well for many years, we have seen lives transformed, children dedicated, followers baptised, our God worshipped, we are grateful for His provision, we also recognise that the Church is not a building (1 Corinthians 3:16) but a gathering of people who follow Jesus Christ. While we will potentially move to a beautiful, modern facility, we remain committed to our Building vision – a home, a presence, a future.