Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St



For many years, one of my ‘go-to’ Scriptures in prayer has been from the book of Habakkuk: 
“GOD, I’ve heard what our ancestors say about you, and I’m stopped in my tracks, down on my knees. Do among us what you did among them. Work among us as you worked among them.” Habbakkuk 3:2 (MSG)
We are thrilled to be in a season where God seems to be answering our prayers and visiting many in a fresh new way. In such a season it isn’t time to slacken off and coast, but to actually increase the intensity of our cry that He might do everything among us that His heart desires.

I suspect that many of us are too easily satisfied. We take the first fruits for the harvest. We imagine the first drops of rain are all that the clouds contain. God has more to give than we know.
Following Habakkuk’s prayer for God to move as He had done in days gone by, the Scripture records,
“God CAME…” (3:3)

The results of His coming are outlined in the next few verses by a number of phrases that are worth meditating on and making further points of prayer:

Verse 3  
“His glory…”
“His praise…”

Verse 4
“His brightness…”
“His hand…”
“His power…”

Verse 5
“His feet…”

Verse 6
“His ways…”
Fresh visitations are always intended to be a further revelation of who God is. Let’s be thankful for what He is doing, but keep pressing in for more of HIM.

- Don Barry