Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St


Rejoice in the waiting - Desk of Sylvia

Advent is a season of waiting - waiting for the birth of the promised Christ-child. A promise that for Mary was 9 months in the waiting but for the Jewish people, a promise that had literally been hundreds of years in the waiting. Waiting, looking and listening for some sign that its fruition was imminent. 
Sometimes waiting seems to be unending and yet we still continue to wait. Why? Because God has, at some time, spoken a promise to us  -  and so we must wait. Not always expectantly and not always faith filled but knowing in the deep recesses  of our hearts the seed of promise He spoke is still there awaiting the time of its birth. Waiting is a time of growth as we are prepared for the promise to come. Advent is a season of preparation and growth as we journey towards the birth of Christ.
As we ponder the Christmas story, we find ourselves being drawn closer to our Promised King. Coming as a baby in a manager but filled with unmeasurable promise -  the King of all Kings. In this Christmas season allow Him to draw close and breathe afresh upon your faded promises that, for some maybe, you have begun to doubt were ever there at all. May I encourage you to lift up your eyes again this Advent season to the One who does not lie, in whom there is no shadow of turning and ask Him to breathe fresh life upon the embers of His words - and then rejoice. Rejoice not only in His ability to bring forth what He has spoken but more importantly rejoice in who He is – Emmanuel, God with us. Always and forever faithful.