Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St


Waiting Well

Don’t you love it when you see God moving in and through our days?

Matt on Sunday talked about waiting well in our faith journey. Looking back over past weeks - Mike talked about Elizabeth’s waiting and the mystery of God working in the waiting time. Megan talked about the ‘in between’ and seeking God’s presence in our Now But Not Yet series. Chris in A study in Habakkuk spoke about Wait.Watch.Worship - for His Kingdom is both now and yet to come. Don earlier in the year talked about how we learn to ‘co-reign’ with Him in the ‘here and now’ as we await the ‘then and there’. And looking back through the year the word ‘waiting’ has been part of our language and themes.
Let us notice that. God cares and knows about our waiting. He is present with us in the waiting