Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St


What an incredible promise! Desk of Hope

I have always had a love-hate relationship with change. There are changes I enjoy, like travelling or visiting a new place, experiencing it's culture, sights and sounds. However, learning to navigate my way around a new home city, well that’s rather more unnerving! Have you noticed that we are surrounded by a world that says ‘nothing stays the same’, ‘change is inevitable’; the reminders that everything changes just keep coming? Some of the changes in our world over the past year have left us spinning and unsteady, and it seems this rate of change continues to accelerate.

So the reminder from Hebrews 13:8 is such an encouragement, ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever’.
What an incredible promise! Jesus never changes! In a world that thrives on change, one thing remains. Jesus is the light of the world, the light no darkness can overcome. He loves us unconditionally, and He sees us in all our ugliness and shame. He knows our biggest fears, our greatest joys and our deepest dreams. Jesus see us. He know us. And He still loves us! While everything around us may change; our families, our health, our work situation, our environment, our government, Jesus remains the same.
He is the One we can depend on to be the same regardless, He is our one constant in this ever-changing world. He is our Refuge and Strength, our Anchor, our Rock and our sure Foundation.
Things will continue to change, in the world around us and in our lives. Some of these will feel like a tiny ripple, and others like a 10 foot wave but I pray we can find joy in knowing Him and knowing He already knows it all. He isn’t swayed and His knees don’t buckle, but He has compassion toward His people. So, in changing times let us stand confidently on the unchanging character of our God.