Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St


When the mountain is in the way - desk of Hannah

These last months the lyrics to a song called Highlands have been replaying on my mind. “So, I will praise You on the mountain and I will praise You when the mountain’s in my way.” This is much easier to sing when I am on the top of the mountain, not at the bottom of it. 
These lyrics arise in the most difficult of times. When something else has jumped onto my radar and thrown me off course. My gentle reminder to continue praising Him. 
This year I have found myself in a hard season that has almost seemed relentless. I have been finishing off my studies, completing a degree amidst the full plate I dealt myself. If you are in your own season of hard, it might not feel like there is an end in sight. Praising Him when the mountain's in your way may just seem too much. 
But John 16:33 says “Take heart! I have overcome the world.” 
Our God is greater than our hardest times and hardest seasons. He walks beside us. He comforts us. Sometimes, if you are like me, you may forget even for a second, that God is always with us. When we are in times of the mountain being in our way, we still need to praise Him for all that is good. 
With this season coming to an end, I am with great anticipation for what the next one will bring. This season has taught me ample things about myself and where my faith lies. If it wasn’t in God, I don’t know how I would make it to the top of the mountain. Yet, I will continue to remember to praise him on the journey up.