Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St


'But like you, I journey towards the goal' - from the Desk of Don

I know that for many people the re-emergence of Covid 19 and the subsequent lock down, at least only level 2 for us here in the Waikato, has been disconcerting. It is so ‘human’ to be thrown by things that break into our ‘normal’ and threaten the things we know and feel somewhat comfortable with. Our plans, dreams and hopes can be all be put on hold by things that seem to be completely out of our control. Even things that we imagined were ‘God’s plans’ for us can be postponed or even seemingly cancelled.

In these moments I am reminded that the overarching goal that God has for us is ‘Christlikeness.’ That can be worked out no matter what is happening around us and no matter what Covid is changing for us. In fact, perhaps it gives new opportunities to allow Christ to be formed in us and expressed through us: to family members or flatmates, to work colleagues or fellow shoppers. 

Everybody is saying, 'be Kind,’ but what the world needs to see is embodied kindness – someone who is kind – the word made flesh. Covid 19 hasn’t prevented God’s plan from happening – it has simply changed the scene for it to happen. 

I’m challenged, and so often humbled as I realise how far I have to go in this regard, but like you, I journey towards the goal.



Don and Karen Barry are our senior leaders.