Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St


Time for the rubbish to go out // Desk of Jono

Time for the rubbish to go out…

During lockdown my rubbish and recycling have been building up. I used to love the rhythm of getting all the rubbish and recycling together and putting it on the roadside. Then when I came home from work it was magically gone. 
I would have a clean slate to start again. 

I always find it satisfying clearing out the space and not having the clutter - maybe it’s the inner Marie Kondo in me.
But as much as I try to reduce how much rubbish I accumulate, there is always more rubbish by the next week. 
Some weeks there is lots and other weeks not as much – but there was always something to throw out no matter how hard I’ve tried to live the minimalist lifestyle.

This got me thinking about what communion reminds me of. 
Each week (or month) that I take communion, I get the chance to come before the cross and remember what Jesus has done for me. He is the figurative rubbish truck driver that clears away my rubbish (sin). I remember that because of what Jesus has done on the cross I can have a clean slate again.

So I’ve decided that going forward every time I put out the rubbish that I will say a little prayer and thank Jesus, that just as my literal rubbish is removed, He comes into my mess and takes away all the other rubbish that accumulates in my life.
Maybe the next time you take your rubbish out you could also do a little self-examine, say a prayer and invite Jesus to do a clean out in your life. If you are anything like me you will have a build-up of rubbish that needs to be thrown out.
