Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St


Philippians Daily Reading #5

Daily Reading:  Philippians 2:12-30

Following on from the model of Jesus, the Apostle Paul is now giving us three more people who are examples of faithful, obedient and courageous living. Did you pick them up? Paul’s willing sacrificial service for the Philippians (v17), Timothy’s service of Paul in need (v20,22), and Epaphroditus who had delivered the original donation to Paul, laboured alongside him, and faced the dangers with Paul of standing firm for Christ in a hostile situation (v25,30).

All of these people were separated from their families and friends and were making do with letters to communicate. Notice the language used to describe what it will be like when these three get face to face again with their loved ones – to be ‘cheered’ (v19), fulfil a ‘longing’ (v26), rejoice together (v28). Lockdown and separation confirm that we were made to be together. Take a minute to consider who you long for and who might need cheering up once we get out of lockdown.