Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St


A season of disruption...

Dear Gateway Whānau,

I am sure we have all faced seasons of disruption in our lives, but probably not many of us in the collective way that we are facing right now. We are all trying to figure this out and what that looks like for each of us may carry different challenges and concerns. 
As we settle into these weeks of disruption and finding new normals, here are some ways that we as the Gateway Leadership and Staff will be trying to serve you:

 If you are isolating alone please let us know, we would love to track with you and provide support where we can and in ways that we can.

If you become unwell or if you have health-related concerns about COVID-19, phone the dedicated COVID-19 Healthline (for free) on 0800 358 5453. Again, please also let us know so that we can do our best to support you in some way.

 If you are facing immediate economic challenges please get in touch so that we can see if there are some ways that we might be able to help.

If you are a healthcare worker or providing some other essential service and you have particular prayer needs or would like support from our pastoral team in some other way please let us know.

Or if you have any other concerns or would like prayer please contact our pastoral team.

You can contact our pastoral team via the pastoral phone (021 318 663) or email

Community and Communication:
We are looking at technological and creative ways in which we can stay in contact with you and encourage you in this time. We are working out a rhythm of communication on our social spaces and website to help keep you encouraged, grounded and connected over the next four weeks.
Obviously we will not be meeting in the building for the foreseeable future, but ‘Gateway Online’ will continue to stream at both 10am and 6.30pm and then will be available later in the week on the podcast. 
We encourage you in this time to stay connected and informed, but to be wise about your social media and news consumption. The voices that we choose to listen to or the articles that we choose to read in this season will have a profound impact on our mental wellbeing and how we process this time in lock-down.
Praying with you and for you,