Gatherings 10am & 5:30pm Sunday at 950 Victoria St


Open hands Reflection

From the Desk of Faye...

Our Sunday theme over the last few weeks has been ‘open hands’ worship. We have been exploring a people of worship, the priority of worship, the pattern of worship and this week the power of worship. It has been inspiring! But not for just a season!  Let’s be seeking after this, as a way of life!

I invite you to share in this prayer with me,

‘Lord, thank you that you are teaching us more about what it means to have open hands.

Reminding us how significant and important it is to be a worshiping community - fully committed to worshiping you with our all. Your purpose for us!

You Lord, are not someone to be complacent or unenthusiastic about. You are not someone deserving of our bad attitudes or half-pie commitment.

You are our Maker, our Saviour. The One who knows and understands us the most intimately. You are the beginning and the end, the great I Am.

Help our closed hands that can hold on too tightly to agendas, to hurts, to anger and pride.. to learn how to best let go. Holy Spirit enable us to hand over life to You. To have open hands for you to fill - in our Sunday worship - but also in the day-to-day.

The family conversations, the interaction with workmates, the daily tasks, the team sports, the driving in peak traffic, the lonely times, the busy times, the times when tragedy strikes, the grieving, the reaching out to others, the unfair times, the discerning what You are saying. All of it Lord.

May our behaviour and our worship go hand in hand. May we worship and dance with you. Honouring You.  In the highs. In the lows, and in the ordinary.

O Lord, Let it be so!’