Pete Greig joining us this Sunday 30th March | 10am & 3pm | 950 Victoria St | No 5:30pm Gathering this week 


October 2024 – Building Update

490 Grey Street

It is a momentous occasion! We take possession of our new Gateway home on the 1st of November. We still can’t quite believe that this has been made possible and again we say thank you to those who have faithfully prayed and those who have financially contributed.

We have started praying through Grey Street. Please join us in continuing to ask that God's presence invades the space and that it would become a ‘thin place’ for all who enter. We hope to provide numerous opportunities for you to walk through the space and pray in the near future.  

As we prepare to begin the fit-out stage of our relocation to Grey Street we look forward to keeping you updated on design and timelines. 

Pledge 490

The confidence to purchase the Grey Street property was very much helped by those in our Gateway family who were prepared to make one off donations and increase giving dedicated to the building. We feel incredibly blessed by your generosity. Many of you have already fulfilled your pledge, for those that haven’t, we would love to have this in place as close to the 1st of November as possible. 

Please contact, should you need any help or information.

If it slipped your mind to fill out the Pledge 490 form but you are intending to give, we would still love to receive your donations! This will greatly help towards being able to fit out the building and decrease the time it takes for us to do so. 

950 Victoria Street

Following a period of marketing our church property, we received four offers to purchase 950 Victoria Street. After much prayer and consideration, a conditional offer was accepted on the 22nd of October by our Trustees. For commercial reasons, we have been asked to refrain from disclosing the purchasers name and the amount offered. We will keep you updated as this progresses. 

As you can see, we have so much to be grateful for. God has been incredibly gracious in making a way for us with our building needs and we continue to trust Him as we keep moving forward. We are grateful to you – your prayer, your generosity, your support, your enthusiasm, and your excitement for this next season in our community’s life has been encouraging to those of us involved in working through the details of all the things. Thank you.