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Midday check-in from Jo!


March 30, 2020

A season of disruption...

Dear Gateway Whānau, I am sure we have all faced seasons of disruption in our lives, but probably not many of us in the collective way that we are facing right now. We are all trying to figure this out and what that looks like for each of us may carry different challenges and concerns. As we settle into these weeks of disruption and finding new normals, here are some ways that we as the Gateway Leadership and Staff will be trying to serve you: Pastoral: If you are isolating alone...

March 27, 2020

Gateway Online Update!


March 25, 2020

Celebration Sunday!

Such a fun morning gathering together! We want to say a huge thank you to all the incredible volunteers who help make Gateway, Gateway! If you want to know more about how you can get on board and volunteer in the house, please see our connect page and let us know where you might like to be involved!...

November 11, 2019

All your promises are yes and amen

His promises never fail, they are as sure as the rising of the sun. God's promises have been a reoccurring theme in the songs we are singing and the teachings. We wanted to create a small series that focused on a few of those incredible promises of God. ...

August 20, 2019

The People Behind the Patterns

This past Saturday afternoon, it was a real treat to have a woven pop up cafe. A chance for the Gateway wahine (ladies) to mix and mingle and eat cake with each other, and hear some of the inspirational stories from Ana Wilkinson Gee. Such a wonderful work Ana and Daniel have, to the Holi Boli sewing ladies and community. We encourage you to spend some time looking at their newly designed website and getting to know more about what Holi Boli is, who they are, and the people behind...

June 20, 2019

Timber Trail Adventure

On 25th & 26th April some of the our keen Gateway bike riders enjoyed taking up the challenge of cycling the well known timber trail. This being a 85 km mountain bike track ridden over two days created ample opportunity for fun, connection and having a great time as community.  With a good campsite and plenty of hot food around the campfire, some awesome memories and friendships were made. Even with a few tired and sore bodies, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience and longed to do it ...

May 7, 2019

Good Friday Gathering

“Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?”Luke 24:26  Gateway warmly invites you, your whānau & friends to come and join us as we journey to the cross.Nau mai haere mai whānau!Good Friday gathering is from 7-8pm on April 19thSunday morning gathering is at 10am There will be no evening gathering on the Sunday....

April 8, 2019

Open hands Reflection

From the Desk of Faye... Our Sunday theme over the last few weeks has been ‘open hands’ worship. We have been exploring a people of worship, the priority of worship, the pattern of worship and this week the power of worship. It has been inspiring! But not for just a season!  Let’s be seeking after this, as a way of life! I invite you to share in this prayer with me, ‘Lord, thank you that you are teaching us more about what it means to have open hands. Reminding us how significant an...

March 26, 2019

Open Hands

On Sunday the 24th of March we are Gathering for a worship evening. This is part of the worship series we are currently journeying called 'Open Hands.'We look forward to seeing you there Gateway whānau in the Auditorium.'So I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.” - Psalm 63:4...

March 16, 2019

Kids Church Volunteering

Our Kids departments are in need of more leaders to join the team for 2019.If you would like to find out more information please contact our office....

January 15, 2019

The Vicar of Baghdad

We are delighted to once again have the Vicar of Baghdad, Canon Andrew White, here with us in New Zealand.Canon Andrew White lived in Baghdad until November 2014 and served as a vicar just outside of the green zone in Baghdad. This is an amazing opportunity to come and hear his stories, his insights and his teachings.We are excited to have him not only joining us for our Sunday Gatherings, but also for an Elective Session on November 3rd from 9:30am-12:00pm.This event is a morning spent in ...

November 1, 2018

Let's Talk Mental Health

This three week Sunday Series will be happening from October 14th - October 28th.At the end of each gathering we will be handing out a resource of a fridge magnet with not only Gateway Church contacts for support in this area of Mental Health, but on the back are a list of helpful support numbers to have. If you would still like to access this resource even after the series, please either see the team at the information desk or the office. ...

September 23, 2018 Posts 251-263 of 263 | Page prev